This post I am going to share some project selection tips for beginners.
going to discuss how to choose a project and some tips for final year students
and you can say as well as for pre finally as students.
This project for final year Students and
you are going to sit into the placements and your projects are going to play
very important role in your placements, because you are a fresher and you don't
have any experience .
so what you have to showcase in your
resumes your internships any certification and mainly the projects.
So your projects you know should be
something very new or you can say something very innovative and great something
which is and you know it's an eye-catcher for the interviewer.
Now I assume that at this point of time if you
are in final year then at least you have worked on four to five projects at
least right and if you haven't done this thing then this is your biggest mistake.
Now I assume that if you haven't then if you haven't worked on any project till final year and it's a first project and still if you are in pre final year and if it is your first project then definitely you know you have gained only the theoretical knowledge you have learned.
The programming language
is only to pass out the subjects you haven't gained any exposure any practical
exposure and that thing is very important because see now you are in college so
I think marks doesn't matter so much.
Your knowledge and skills
maters lot than marks I know I am NOT saying that you obviously you have to
gain that cut off marks 65% 70% marks to sit in the placements. But it's not
like that 94% marks or 95% marks. I hope you are getting my point.
You know focus on your skills,
your knowledge, your practical exposure and all these kind of things.
How to choose
the project
If you
are in final year so now you have to work on four to five projects. And now you
have to decide your area of interest. In
which area you want to go.
It's time to beep dive into your area of
interest so now here you need you are not supposed to select any simple
You have to do some research, some
surveys and you have to deep dive into your area of interest.
Your project should be something very
innovative very big and something new.
So maybe some common areas or what you can say Electrical Devices, work on solar technology, Make use of waste thing into reuse and innovative.
If your interest in Software then go can go
for app development, iOS Development or game development or website these kind of
Know choose a project from any
kind of area which is similar to your steam.
you want something different so the trending areas or what you can select cloud
computing, artificial intelligence, block chain that is very trending nowadays and
cryptography is also good.
Electrical and Electronics engineering students
can choose hardware projects like PLC based Controlling System, Hmi & Scada
based monitoring system in Railways or in factories. VFD and Servo Drive based
projects. Solar based like hybrid solar based projects, Robotic and other
hardware and software projects.
You can select any area from this
thing. so these are some areas and as well as and machine learning is also in
training nowadays. So you can select any area.
After Selecting The
Now w you
have selected the area suppose you have no experience
about this area but you want to work you want to do any project
in this area.
So now your very
important point is what generally student ignore these
kind of at this point,
you have to choose your guide
carefully and your team member also. now you know your
classmates better and you know who can help you in this kind
of project who is good in this area plus your mentor or your
Now you are in final year or maybe in pre
final year so now you have the idea that which faculty you
know as expertise in that area.
Maybe someone who is teaching their related subject you can contact to that faculty or maybe someone. some faculty or still pursuing its you know his or her PhD in a particular area so that would be I think to beneficial for you to select those you know.
Faculties as your guide because now they're
pursuing their PhD so they are reading many research paper to find out their
problem statement or maybe they have found out their problem statements so they
can easily help you to find out your problem statements for your project.
So please choose your mentor carefully plus after choosing the guide
What you have to do in regular meetings
With your guide you know
okay I guess you have four months to work on the project and final year.
So please the problem statement the
problem finding statement the first stage is very crucial for this maybe it's
better to meet your with your guide regularly daily based on daily basis just
to finalize your problem statement.
this is a very important point so
it's not like that someone is strict so you are not going to choose that
faculty as your guide and someone is cool so you are going to choose that
faculty as they.
think you should choose a strict faculty as your guide this is my personal
experience because in that case you will
be punctual and disciplined you will meet the faculty though your guide
regularly and it is going to help you a lot in your four months.
So take care of this point now you
have to read, research paper, I think the best technique to finalize your
statement problem ,statement is what go through, some research paper ,some
recent research paper in that area means not very old research papers.
We central search paper try to read try to find
and try to find out the problems and try to implement those research papers. Maybe
your guide will give you that you redress this research paper and come with
your problem statement or come you know with your idea what you want to do.
I know it's very tough to read., a research paper
initially if you have read first time that definitely you are not going to get
anything but as fine that is normally it happens with everybody.
you will read second time third time then you will get something from that
research paper fine and try to write down some points also while reading .
I think according to me the best idea is you have to read some research paper in that area and try to implement those research papers. Fine maybe five or ten or research papers you read and then find out which research paper you can implement or maybe something some research paper you will get future scope.
Future scope
Future scope so in that you know section they
have identified that this is the problem in this research paper or in this
research and I am going to do this thing.
future you can develop that thing also
if you have got that future scope so you can implement that future scope you
can take that future scope, as your problem statement and make a project this
is a very good idea.
Now after the project try to
publish a research paper that is definitely going to help you if specifically
if after your graduation you want to do post graduation right that is
definitely going to help you and in placements also in getting placements also. If you are published a research paper means
you have done something extra. Because publishing a research paper is not so
I have gone through this experience
also maybe someday maybe in some another video I'll share that experience but
that is definitely would
be a plus point for you publishing a research
paper on your project.
now suppose if you want if you don't want
to select any this area and you want to work maybe suppose you want to build a
website or you can say an app Android app so what you can do see try to learn
the and frameworks there in android also everybody knows many frameworks are there
. so try to learn the recent frameworks and work on those frameworks and use
that framework in your project
This will show that yes you are a self learner
you have done something to learn first of all that framework that is new framework,
after that you have done your project fine rather than just you know taking the
common frameworks what everybody is using.
Suppose one student has done in
its application his application in Java and analyst another student has used
quote link right so definitely quatrain is not in your syllabus and joy wise
yeah it is very popular language but it is common language and it is your
curriculum .
definitely I would prefer I would
be more interested in that project the student who have worked in Cote Link. Because
I know that courtliness it's not very easy to learn first of all he or she has
learned that language he or she has put his efforts her or her efforts in
learning that language and that then used that language in your in his or her project.
so try to do these kind of things
also or another thing what you can do, you can you can merge like if you are
developing any app so there you can merge cryptography also encryption and decryption
some cryptographic algorithm you can merge two areas and develop something new
or in Android you can merge.
something you know machine learning
model right that is also fine so that is also something new, same for web
development also you can work on any recent frameworks like react or angular and
these kind of frameworks are very popular nowadays.
So you can walk these on these kind of frameworks for your front-end and for back and I guess nowadays in trending are solar based or green energy projects. as far as I know some other technologies also there which is in trending so you can comment you can do the comment in the comment box so that so that other can also get some ideas about the trending topics.
The main motto is what you have to search
for the trending topics right in your area of interest and next thing is. what
in your project you should you know implement many functionalities it's not like
that your project is just doing two or three things right so that is also very
simple project you have to incorporate many functionalities in your project
that first of all this then this it will do this thing then it will load this
thing means at least maybe you can say 10 or 15 functionalities.
So that is also a good project
because see ultimately your project should show your capabilities, your skills your,
aspirations to the interviewer because he or she is very experienced person and
by looking at your project and when you explain that project he or she can analyze
you that you have devoted this much as this much of time to your project and
you have gained what you have gained from that project.
So definitely a good project is what
you have devoted your time at least three to four months in that project and
you have gained something from that project something new right you have gained
some knowledge from that project it's not any traditional project like
management type of projects.
This is also very important please don't
choose the traditional type of projects and if you are choosing then it must
have something extraordinary. in that project you can just survey the website
or the management type of project.
You are doing about that and you can
you know research about that that what extra thing you can do, you can add in
that website. which is very you know eye catcher for the interviewer which will
add something which will add something to your project or something your resume.
Next step is what I think your
project you know should have visualization and it should be interactive. You
know good factor if you can add some visualization to your project and it should
be directive also so in brief.
If you ask me some tips for
project selection for finally a students or pre-final your students just to go
for the trending topics right plus use recent technologies recent frameworks,
new languages in your project. Please choose your mentor carefully these are
very important points your project should show that you have worked hard on
your project you have devoted time on your project and you have gained.
Something new from that project you have enhanced
your knowledge and skills after working on that project right don't go for the
traditional and simple project.
Please in final year and try to
publish a research paper at least one research paper in International Journal
or any conference on your project.
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