Full adder is a circuit
which is used to calculate three digits in the form of sum and carry. It will
calculate the sum of three bits along with the carry as mentioned below.
Full adder can be form by using two half adder circuit to
get sum and carry. The main difference between a half-adder and a
full-adder is that the full-adder has three inputs and two outputs. The first
two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry designated as CIN. The Full-Adder is the actual block that we
will use to create the arithmetic circuits.
1.We add two half adder circuits with an extra addition of OR gate and get a complete full adder circuit.
2. Twohalf adder circuits added together with a OR gate.
3. We will get final
output SUM and Carry out. So, A + B + CARRY IN = SUM and CARRY OUT.
Full Adder Truth Table.
Ladder Representation Off Full adder.
In above mentioned circuit A ,B and Cin is acting as
Switch( Switch may be input devices i.e Push button, Toggle switch or sensors)
and Sum and Carryout acting as output(Output may be any load i.e Lamp or
Motor).When you are applying 220v ac or Dc supply to the circuit, Circuit will
activate. In Default Condition Both Output and Switches are off only. When u Apply
logic according to truth table output will enable or disable based on condition
you applied as given in truth Table. In Truth there is Seven condition you can check below.
0+0+0= Sum I.e
Sum=0(Disable or Off), carry=0(Disable or Off)
0+0+1=1 i.e Sum=1(Enable Or On), carry=0(Disable or
0+1+1=10 I.e Sum=0(Disable
or Off), carry=1(Enable Or On)
1+0+0=1 i.e
Sum=1(Enable Or On), carry=0(Disable or Off)
1+0+1= 10 I.e Sum=0(Disable or Off), carry=1(Enable Or On)
1+1+0=10 I.e Sum=0(Disable or Off), carry=1(Enable Or On)
1+1+1=11 I.e Sum=1(Enable Or On), carry=1(Enable Or On)
Remember: In
Input 1 and 0 will acting as on or off condition according to circuit you Will connect.
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